- País:Austria
- Número del sitio:864
- Superficie:137 ha
- Fecha de designación:29-10-1996
- Coordenadas:47°01'N 14°31'E
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Hörfeld-Moor. 30/10/96; Kärnten, Steiermark; 137 ha; 47°01'N 014°31'E. Nature reserve, Natura 2000 site.Areas of raised bog, freshwater marsh and damp meadows with patches of trees, shrubs and extensive peat deposits fed by groundwater springs and streams. The site serves as a vast natural water storage system. Vegetation includes large areas of reedbeds interspersed with various species of willow (Salix sp). The site is an important breeding, feeding and resting habitat for a wide range of resident and migratory bird species. Numerous endangered plant and bird species are supported. Human activities include fishing, extensive hay meadows, and timber production. The site is of considerable local historical interest with traces of early settlements. A management plan was developed during the LIFE Nature Project "Hörfeld-Moor" (1997-2000) and was updated in 2003. Ramsar site no. 864. Most recent RIS information: 2004.
Región administrativa:
Steiermark, Kärnten
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- Nature Reserve
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-2004