Govater Bay and Hur-e-Bahu
- Pays:Iran (République islamique d')
- Numéro du site:1006
- Superficie:75'000 ha
- Date d’inscription:01-11-1999
- Coordonnées:25°10'N 61°30'E
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Govater Bay and Hur-e-Bahu. 01/11/99; Baluchestan; 75,000 ha; 25°10'N 061°30'E. The riverine and estuarine wetlands of the lower Sarbaz River, including permanent freshwater pools and marshes, mangrove swamps and intertidal mudflats, and also the sandy beach of the adjacent Gulf of Oman coast in the extreme southeast of Iran (Persian Baluchestan) to the border with Pakistan. The site supports the westernmost population of South Asian species Marsh crocodile Crocodylus palustris, and is also important for wintering waterfowl, notably Pelecanus crispus, shorebirds, gulls and terns. The site is also a BirdLife International "Important Bird Area". Ramsar site no. 1006. Most recent RIS information: 1999.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- national protected area
- Date de dernière publication:01-11-1999