South East Coast of Jersey, Channel Islands
- Pays:Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (Crown dependencies)
- Numéro du site:1043
- Superficie:3'210 ha
- Date d’inscription:10-11-2000
- Coordonnées:49°09'N 02°01'W
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South East Coast of Jersey, Channel Islands. 10/11/00; Bailiwick of Jersey; 3,210ha; 49°09'N 002°02'W. Amongst the largest intertidal reef sites in Europe, this site 22km off the coast of France comprises various habitats: reefs, boulder fields, mud, sandy and shingle shores not covered by water at low tide, combined with shallow tidal lagoons, seagrass beds and a large number of outlying reefs. The maximum spring tide range of 12m exposes 17.5km2 of wave cut rock platforms, extensive areas of reef, and a complex system of soft substrate gullies. The site provides important winter habitat for waders and wildfowl and produces a rich and diverse range of biotopes and some uncommon species assemblages. It meets Criteria 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 for inclusion in the List - in regard to the Fish Criteria, because of the enormous water exchanges and substrate variability a wide diversity of species and life history stages are present. The flora and fauna is characterized by a number of limit-of-range species at both the northern and southern margins of their distributions. Fishing is of great cultural, social, and traditional importance to the population, and a wide range of non-exploitive recreational activity is very important within the site. Effects of inorganic waste disposal and sewage discharge are seen as potential threats. Ramsar site no. 1043. Most recent RIS information: 2000.
Région administrative:
Bailiwick of Jersey
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Crown estate
- Date de dernière publication:10-11-2000