Mankòtè Mangrove
- Pays:Sainte-Lucie
- Numéro du site:1170
- Superficie:60 ha
- Date d’inscription:19-02-2002
- Coordonnées:13°43'N 60°55'W
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Mankòtè Mangrove. 19/02/02; Vieux Fort; 60 ha; 13°43'N 060°55'W. Marine Reserve. The largest contiguous wetland area in St. Lucia, and a vital nursery for the local fishery. Subsistence activities, mainly fishing and charcoal production, are carried out by local communities. The threat from uncontrolled harvesting of mangrove wood has abated with present management practices. The site is managed collaboratively by the Departments of Fisheries and Forestry, the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), and the Aupicon Charcoal and Agricultural Producers Group, and birdwatching is being promoted. The site has been proposed for National Park status. Ramsar site no. 1170. Most recent RIS information: 2002.
Région administrative:
Vieux Fort
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Marine Reserve
- Date de dernière publication:19-02-2002