Parque Nacional Arrecife de Puerto Morelos
- Pays:Mexique
- Numéro du site:1343
- Superficie:9'066 ha
- Date d’inscription:02-02-2004
- Coordonnées:20°55'N 86°49'W
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Parque Nacional Arrecife de Puerto Morelos. 02/02/04; Quintana Roo; 9,066 ha; 20°55'N 86°50'W. National Park. Part of the great Mesoamerican reef, known as the second biggest coral reef in the world. It contains rich biological communities among the coral formations and a wide reef lagoon with sea grasses fields. All these ecosystems are well conserved and have great ecological, economic, recreational, commercial, historical, educative and aesthetic values as well as an important interest for scientific research. From the human point of view, the conservation of the coral reef is vital for the 5,000 inhabitants of Puerto Morelos, who live by fishing, tourism income and scientific activities, the future of which depend on the health of the ecosystem. The terrestrial part of the designated site is also important because of the presence of some mangrove area and some turtle breeding beaches. Mangroves are today the most threatened ecosystem in this area. Gathering of information for designation of the site was supported by the Ramsar Wetlands for the Future Initiative. Ramsar site no. 1343. Most recent RIS information: 2004.
Région administrative:
Quintana Roo
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Parque Nacional - Arrecife de Puerto Morelo
- Date de dernière publication:02-02-2004
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
Carte du site
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