Parque Provincial El Tromen

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Parque Provincial El Tromen

  • Pays: 
  • Numéro du site: 
  • Superficie: 
    30'000 ha
  • Date d’inscription: 
  • Coordonnées: 
    37°04'S 70°06'W
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Parque Provincial El Tromen. 02/02/06; Neuquén; 30,000 ha.; 37°05S 070°06'W. Natural Protected Area. Reaching an altitude of up to 3,978 above sea level, this wetland forms a complex hydrological system in which the snowmelt slips through cracks in the basaltic bedrock and rises again at the base of the mountains to create small water bodies that in turn feed a variety of High Andean Wetlands. Apart from being a high Andean wetland representative of the Patagonia region, containing a rich biodiversity and serving as a resting and feeding ground for several waterfowl species, the wetland also qualifies as a Ramsar site under the recently added Criterion 9, being the only site known to host the endemic lizard Liolaemus punmahuida. Although the approval of the management plan is still underway, park rangers enforce some protective measures such as a total ban on hunting. Ramsar site no. 1626. Most recent RIS information: 2006.

Région administrative: 
Neuquén Province

  • Inscription légale nationale: 
    • Protected Nature Area
    • Provincial Park
  • Date de dernière publication: 


Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)

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