Ural River Delta and adjacent Caspian Sea coast
- Pays:Kazakhstan
- Numéro du site:1856
- Superficie:111'500 ha
- Date d’inscription:10-03-2009
- Coordonnées:46°58'N 51°45'E
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Ural River Delta and adjacent Caspian Sea coast. 10/03/09; Atyrau oblast; 111,500 ha; 46 58'N 51 45'E. Part of North Caspian Nature Reserve. A unique river delta wetland in western Kazakhstan along the northern shore of the Caspian Sea, comprising a large variety of marine/coastal and inland wetland types. Due to its mixed water supply and seasonal variation, the site has a range of marine and freshwater habitats and supports considerable numbers and diversity of species, notably 13 IUCN threatened bird species. The site is significant for large numbers of nesting, moulting and migratory species, among them appreciable numbers of Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (22,000), Mallard (Anas platerhynchos) (12,000) and Teal (Anas querquedula) (44,000). The Ural River is significant as a spawning ground for a number of Caspian Sea sturgeon fish species. The site supports more than 460 species of vertebrate animals, including 76 species of fish, 20 species of reptile, 292 bird species and 48 species of mammals. The site is important for transport, and also supports farming activities (pasture, cropping) and tourism. Intensive fishing, navigation and exploration all pose threats to the ecological character of the wetland. A management plan has been prepared for the site. Ramsar site no. 1856. Most recent RIS information: 2009.
Région administrative:
Atyrau oblast
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Nature Reserve - North Caspian
- Date de dernière publication:10-03-2009
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
Carte du site
Rapports et documents complémentaires
- Tistes taxonomiques d'espèces de plantes et d'animaux présents dans le site
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