Lagoa do Peixe

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Lagoa do Peixe

  • Pays: 
  • Numéro du site: 
  • Superficie: 
    34'400 ha
  • Date d’inscription: 
  • Coordonnées: 
    31°14'S 50°57'W
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Lagoa do Peixe. 24/05/93; Rio Grande do Sul; 34,400 ha; 31°14'S 050°57'W. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Site; National Park. Extensive lowland area of saltmarshes, coastal sand dunes, lagoons, lakes and associated marshes, providing important staging sites for numerous migrant species. Lagoa do Peixe is a large brackish to saline lagoon, supporting large concentrations of invertebrates. The area is very important for a wide variety of waterfowl, and the lagoon is an important wintering and staging area for migrant species. Human activities include hunting, irrigation of rice fields, and harvesting of shrimp (uncontrolled). Ramsar site no. 603. Most recent RIS information: 1998.

Région administrative: 
Rio Grande do Sul

  • Inscription légale nationale: 
    • national park
  • Date de dernière publication: 


Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)