Search results
Search found 35 Ramsar Sites covering 3,471,847 ha
- (-) Remove Region/country: Latin America and the Caribbean filter Region/country: Latin America and the Caribbean
- (-) Remove Management plan available: In preparation filter Management plan available: In preparation
- (-) Remove Sites on Montreux record?: No filter Sites on Montreux record?: No
- (-) Remove Ramsar criteria: 3 filter Ramsar criteria: 3
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Reserva Provincial Laguna Brava
Designation date:02-02-2003
Site number:1238
Published since:21 year(s)
405,000 ha -
Lago Titicaca
Country:Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Designation date:11-09-1998
Site number:959
Published since:26 year(s)
800,000 ha -
Taim Ecological Station
Designation date:22-03-2017
Site number:2298
Published since:7 year(s)
10,939 ha -
Reserva Particular del Patrimonio Natural (RPPN) “Fazenda Rio Negro"
Designation date:22-05-2009
Site number:1864
Published since:15 year(s)
7,000 ha -
Ilha do Bananal
Designation date:04-10-1993
Site number:624
Published since:22 year(s)
562,312 ha -
Guaraqueçaba Ecological Station
Designation date:05-06-2017
Site number:2305
Published since:7 year(s)
4,370 ha -
Santuario de la Naturaleza Laguna Conchalí
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1374
Published since:20 year(s)
34 ha -
Complejo de humedales Lagos de Tarapoto
Designation date:28-09-2017
Site number:2336
Published since:6 year(s)
45,464 ha -
Complejo de Humedales Urbanos del Distrito Capital de Bogotá
Designation date:06-08-2018
Site number:2404
Published since:4 year(s)
667 ha -
Ciénaga de Lanier y Sur de la Isla de la Juventud
Designation date:18-11-2002
Site number:1234
Published since:21 year(s)
126,200 ha -