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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


  1. Esta imagen es de Laguna Redonda, es una Laguna Costera
    Esta imagen muestra la Laguna Limón, es un humedal de agua dulce, que tiene conectividad con el Caño Celedonio
    Imagen de la laguna Limón
    La imagen es del Caño Celedonio.
    Imagen de la laguna Limón
    Esta imagen es de Laguna Redonda, es una Laguna Costera

    Refugio de Vida Silvestre Laguna Redonda y Limón (Los Humedales del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Laguna Redonda y Limón, Miches y Ria Maimón)

    • Country: 
      Dominican Republic
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      1 year(s)
    5,754 ha
  2. Vista aérea de la ciénaga
    Vista aérea del bosque de manglar entre la ciénaga
    Vista lateral de la ciénaga
    Borde de manglar en la ciénaga
    Manglar dentro de la ciénaga
    Islote de manglar
    Vegetación acuática asociada al manglar
    Atardecer en la ciénaga
    Garza morena entre el manglar
    Pelícanos y cormoranes en la ciénaga
    Parvada de flamencos en la ciénaga
    Entrada a un  petén costero
    Petén costero
    Superficie de un petén costero
    Interior de un petén costero

    Reserva Estatal Ciénagas y Manglares de la Costa Norte de Yucatán

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      1 year(s)
    54,777 ha
  3. Lower Berg River Estuary
    Salt marshes - Berg River Estuary
    Lower reaches Berg River Estuary
    Upstream of salt works

    Berg Estuary Ramsar Site

    • Country: 
      South Africa
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      2 year(s)
    1,163 ha
  4. The Takaono River estuary:
Tidal flats with sand and mud deposits are inhabited by many organisms, including birds.
    Hooded Cranes foraging in front of Mt. Yahazu, located in the northeastern part of Izumi Plain.
    Paddy fields in winter across the Izumi Plain:
Many cranes forage during the day, and at night, they roost in groups in paddy fields filled with water for their roosting ground.

    Izumi Wintering Habitat of Cranes

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      2 year(s)
    478 ha
  5. Paisaje del Estuario de Virrila
    Flamencos en el estuario de Virrilá.
    Flamencos del Estuario de Virrilá. Piura.
    Playerito Calidris mauri en el Estuario de Virrilá.

    Estuario de Virrilá

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      2 year(s)
    5,644 ha
  6. Stagno Longu -
Posada - Volo di
    Riflessi sul Rio
    Tramonto su
Posada dallo
stagno Longu
    Skyline di Posada
dal Rio Posada
    Riflessi sul Rio
    Riflesso del
Montalbo sul Rio
Posada da San
    Pescatore alla
foce di Orvile
    Alba sul Rio
Posada - Stagno
    Stagni di Posada – Volo di aironi guarda buoi (Bubulcus ibis)
    Stagni di Posada – Combattimento di folaghe (Fulica atra)
    Stagni di Posada - Aironi
    Stagni di Posada – Posatoio di Aironi guardabuoi (Bubulcus ibis)
    Stagni di Posada – Folaga (Fulica atra)
    Stagni di Posada – Germano reale
    Stagni di Posada – Nidificazione di Airone rosso (Arsea purpurea)
    Stagni di Posada – Pollo sulatno (Porphyrio porphyrio)
    Stagni di Posada – Pollo sultano (Porphyrio porphyrio)
    -Stagni di Posada
    Fenicotteri foce – stagno Posada
    Cormorano si alza in volo (Torpè)
    La peschiera Posada foce
    Vista aerea Ramsar a Torpè (direzione Ovest)
    Stagno – foce
    Dal guado di Torpè sguardo a Ovest
    Canneto e avifauna a Torpè

    Posada River Mouth

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      2 year(s)
    736 ha
  7. Village d'Ankazomborona et mangroves dans la Baie d'Ambaro
    Mangroves le long du chenal
    Zone de restauration
    Haliaeetus vociferoides
    Anas bernieri
    Ardea humbloti
    Peuplement de Sterna bengalensis
    Microcebus sambiranensis
    Shpyrna mokarran
    Village de pêcheurs
    Femme pêcheur

    Mangroves de la Baie d'Ambaro

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      3 year(s)
    54,000 ha
  8. Wairarapa Moana, New Zealand
    Wairarapa Moana Wetland, New Zealand
    Lake Onoke, New Zealand

    Wairarapa Moana Wetland

    • Country: 
      New Zealand
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      3 year(s)
    10,547 ha
  9. Sitio Ramsar Limarí: Desembocadura Rio Limarí, desde Salala hasta su desembocadura, Región de Coquimbo, Chile. Vista de la amplitud del humedal, sus usos tradicionales y el contraste con su entorno semidesertico

    Humedal del río Limarí, desde Salala hasta su desembocadura

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      3 year(s)
    527 ha
  10. Flock of Crab at Nanthar Island
    Habitat Type of Waterbirds, Nanthar Island
    Birds in northern part of Nanthar Island
    Birds and mangroves of Nanthar Island
    Habitat Type of Nanthar Island and Mayyu Estuary
    Spoon-billed sandpiper found on the Nanthar Island

    Nanthar Island and Mayyu Estuary

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      3 year(s)
    3,608 ha




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