Search results
Search found 247 Ramsar Sites covering 23,963,379 ha
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- (-) Remove Ecosystem services: Cultural Services filter Ecosystem services: Cultural Services
- (-) Remove Threats: Natural system modifications filter Threats: Natural system modifications
- (-) Remove Ramsar criteria: 2 filter Ramsar criteria: 2
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Laguna Playa Colorada-Santa María La Reforma
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1340
Published since:20 year(s)
53,140 ha -
Manglares y humedales de la Laguna de Sontecomapan
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1342
Published since:20 year(s)
8,921 ha -
Islas Marietas
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1345
Published since:20 year(s)
1,357 ha -
Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1346
Published since:20 year(s)
52,238 ha -
Playa Tortuguera Chenkán
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1348
Published since:15 year(s)
121 ha -
Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Yum Balam
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1360
Published since:20 year(s)
154,052 ha -
Sistema Lacustre Ejidos de Xochimilco y San Gregorio Atlapulco
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1363
Published since:20 year(s)
2,657 ha -
Delta Intérieur du Niger
Designation date:01-02-2004
Site number:1365
Published since:20 year(s)
4,119,500 ha -
Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Overseas territories)
Designation date:20-03-2003
Site number:1375
Published since:21 year(s)
2,171 ha -
Lake Ganga and its surrounding wetlands
Designation date:22-03-2004
Site number:1378
Published since:20 year(s)
3,280 ha -