Search results
Search found 1035 Ramsar Sites covering 83,924,322 ha
- (-) Remove Designation date: 2016 filter Designation date: 2016
- (-) Remove Max elevation (in meters): 1000 - 1499 filter Max elevation (in meters): 1000 - 1499
- (-) Remove Ramsar criteria: 3 filter Ramsar criteria: 3
- (-) Remove Wetland type: Inland wetlands filter Wetland type: Inland wetlands
- (-) Remove Management plan available: Yes filter Management plan available: Yes
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Reserva de la Biosfera Los Petenes
Designation date:02-02-2004
Site number:1354
Published since:20 year(s)
282,857 ha -
Marais d'Orx et zones humides associées
Designation date:27-10-2011
Site number:1995
Published since:12 year(s)
962 ha -
Francis Beidler Forest
Country:United States of America
Designation date:30-05-2008
Site number:1773
Published since:16 year(s)
6,438 ha -
Etang de Palo
Designation date:15-09-2008
Site number:1829
Published since:16 year(s)
212 ha -
Andakill Protected Habitat Area
Designation date:18-02-2013
Site number:2129
Published since:11 year(s)
3,086 ha -
Wular Lake
Designation date:23-03-1990
Site number:461
Published since:34 year(s)
18,900 ha -
Šumavská rašeliniště
Designation date:02-07-1990
Site number:494
Published since:32 year(s)
6,371 ha -
Cromarty Firth
Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Designation date:22-07-1999
Site number:1001
Published since:19 year(s)
3,747 ha -
Hattah-Kulkyne Lakes
Designation date:05-04-1983
Site number:264
Published since:2 year(s)
955 ha -
Jizera Headwaters
Designation date:13-02-2012
Site number:2074
Published since:12 year(s)
2,303 ha -