Search results
Search found 1035 Ramsar Sites covering 83,924,322 ha
- (-) Remove Designation date: 2016 filter Designation date: 2016
- (-) Remove Max elevation (in meters): 1000 - 1499 filter Max elevation (in meters): 1000 - 1499
- (-) Remove Ramsar criteria: 3 filter Ramsar criteria: 3
- (-) Remove Wetland type: Inland wetlands filter Wetland type: Inland wetlands
- (-) Remove Management plan available: Yes filter Management plan available: Yes
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Lednické rybníky
Designation date:02-07-1990
Site number:497
Published since:32 year(s)
650 ha -
Poole Harbour
Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Designation date:22-07-1999
Site number:1005
Published since:25 year(s)
2,439 ha -
Mokřady dolního Podyjí
Designation date:26-10-1993
Site number:635
Published since:17 year(s)
11,525 ha -
Salar de Pujsa
Designation date:14-08-2009
Site number:1871
Published since:15 year(s)
17,397 ha -
Liběchovka and Pšovka Brooks
Designation date:13-11-1997
Site number:922
Published since:27 year(s)
350 ha -
Litovelské Pomoraví
Designation date:26-10-1993
Site number:638
Published since:30 year(s)
5,122 ha -
Designation date:02-11-1993
Site number:639
Published since:31 year(s)
5,450 ha -
Fifa Nature Reserve
Designation date:04-12-2016
Site number:2294
Published since:7 year(s)
6,100 ha -
Rieselfelder Münster
Designation date:28-10-1983
Site number:277
Published since:32 year(s)
233 ha -
Chutes et Rapides sur Ivindo
Designation date:02-02-2009
Site number:1852
Published since:7 year(s)
103,334 ha -