Search results
Search found 59 Ramsar Sites covering 9,168,545 ha
- (-) Remove Statutory designation taxonomy: Global international legal and other formal filter Statutory designation taxonomy: Global international legal and other formal
- (-) Remove Statutory designation taxonomy: Overlapping site categories filter Statutory designation taxonomy: Overlapping site categories
- (-) Remove Ecosystem services: Cultural Services filter Ecosystem services: Cultural Services
- (-) Remove Ecosystem services: Recreation and tourism filter Ecosystem services: Recreation and tourism
- (-) Remove Picture available?: No filter Picture available?: No
- (-) Remove Sites on Montreux record?: No filter Sites on Montreux record?: No
- (-) Remove Wetland type: Human-made wetlands filter Wetland type: Human-made wetlands
- (-) Remove Wetland type: Marine or coastal wetlands filter Wetland type: Marine or coastal wetlands
- (-) Remove Wetland type: 5: Salt exploitation sites filter Wetland type: 5: Salt exploitation sites
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Khuran Straits
Country:Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Designation date:23-06-1975
Site number:50
Published since:27 year(s)
100,000 ha -
Cors Fochno & Dyfi
Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Designation date:05-01-1976
Site number:66
Published since:19 year(s)
2,508 ha -
South Uist Machair & Lochs
Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Designation date:05-01-1976
Site number:71
Published since:17 year(s)
5,019 ha -
North Norfolk Coast
Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Designation date:05-01-1976
Site number:76
Published since:25 year(s)
7,887 ha -
Wattenmeer, Jadebusen & westliche Wesermündung
Designation date:26-02-1976
Site number:81
Published since:48 year(s)
49,490 ha -
Kakadu National Park
Designation date:06-12-1980
Site number:204
Published since:13 year(s)
1,979,766 ha -
Western Port
Designation date:15-12-1982
Site number:267
Published since:26 year(s)
59,297 ha -
Parc national du Delta du Saloum
Designation date:03-04-1984
Site number:288
Published since:32 year(s)
73,000 ha -
Bañados del Este y Franja Costera
Designation date:22-05-1984
Site number:290
Published since:23 year(s)
407,408 ha -
Humedal de Importancia Especialmente para la Conservación de Aves Acuáticas Reserva Ría Lagartos
Designation date:04-07-1986
Site number:332
Published since:23 year(s)
60,348 ha -