- País:Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte (Overseas territories)
- Número del sitio:1375
- Superficie:2,171 ha
- Fecha de designación:20-03-2003
- Coordenadas:34°37'N 32°58'E
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Akrotiri. 20/03/03; Cyprus (Western Sovereign Base Area); 2,171 ha; 34°37'N 032°58'E. The largest aquatic system in Cyprus, located on Akrotiri Peninsula, the southernmost part of the island. Also listed as an Important Bird Area, the site is of a special European interest because it presents 11 natural habitat types listed in annex 1 of the European Commission Habitats Directive and 45 bird species included on Annex 1 of the EC Birds Directive, and it supports 13 endemic species of plant such as Ophrys kotschyi. It is composed of two distinct areas that are hydrologically connected - the first and largest area is the salt lake and sand flats situated in the centre of the peninsula. Over the past three centuries, this former lagoon has been isolated from the sea and a number of saltmarsh vegetation communities now surround the lake. A eucalyptus forest borders the northern side of the lake and is an important raptor roosting area. The second distinct area, northeast of the salt lake, is the Fassouri marshes made up of a matrix of freshwater habitat types, including grazing marsh and reedbeds. Rain water is the key hydrological input for both areas, though the lake does get occasional input from the sea during storms. The site is part of the UK RAF military Sovereign Base Area; a management plan is under development with local stakeholders. Ramsar Site no. 1375. [Ramsar mission to the site.] Most recent RIS information: 2003.
Región administrativa:
- Fecha de última publicación:20-03-2003