Les Pierres de Lecq
- País:Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte (Crown dependencies)
- Número del sitio:1457
- Superficie:512 ha
- Fecha de designación:02-02-2005
- Coordenadas:49°18'N 02°12'W
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Les Pierres de Lecq (the Paternosters), Jersey. 02/02/05; Bailiwick of Jersey; 512 ha; 49°18'N 002°12'W. An extensive reef uncovered at low tide, lying off the northwest coast of Jersey - with one of the largest tidal ranges in the world, sometimes exceeding 12 metres, only four heads are exposed at high tide. Due to the wide range of substrata and wave exposure, the site has a diverse range of habitats, communities, and species. The topographical diversity of biogeographic location, oceanographic circulation, and physical features of the site provide conditions favouring recruitment of planktonic larvae, and the large number of intertidal rocky platforms and diverse algal assemblages are important to many invertebrate and vertebrate organisms, providing shelter, protection and food for both larval and adult stages. These areas are important nursery zones for shore and shallow sublittoral fish communities. The overlap between the cold and warm temperate marine biogeographical regions promotes increased species richness. Among the most important fish species are Acipenser sturgo, Hippocampus hippocampus, and Salmo salar. The Jersey Island Plan 2003 includes a presumption against most kinds of development and ensures the sustainable use of the marine environment. Ramsar site no. 1457. Most recent RIS information: 2005.
Región administrativa:
- Fecha de última publicación:02-02-2005