Myvatn-Laxá region
- País:Islandia
- Número del sitio:167
- Superficie:20,000 ha
- Fecha de designación:02-12-1977
- Coordenadas:65°30'N 17°03'W
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Myvatn-Laxá region (part). 02/12/77; 20,000 ha; 65°40'N 017°00'W. Added to the Montreux Record, 4 July 1990, removed from the Record, 16 June 1993. Protected Area. Part of a vast lake, river and marsh complex fed by both cold and thermal springs. The site supports freshwater marshes, a rich submerged flora, algal communities, Betula woodland, bog and moorland. The abundant invertebrate fauna provide food for large numbers of waterbirds. The site is especially important for two duck species that, in Europe, nest only in Iceland. Virtually the entire European population of Bucephala islandica breeds in the area (2,000 pairs). The site is important for various other species of nesting waterbirds and large numbers of molting Anatidae. Human activities include farming, fishing, mining for diatomite, hydro- and geothermal electricity generation, and tourism. Subject of a Ramsar Advisory Mission in 1992. Ramsar site no. 167. Most recent RIS information: 1992.
Región administrativa:
Sudur Thingeyjar Sysla
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- protected area
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-1992