Livanjsko Polje

The pastures and meadows flooded on April 17th, 2004, allow an estimate of water level of up to 1,5 m, and form a natural periodic karst lake (flooded area) of 230 km2

Figure 1
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 2
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 3
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 4
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 5
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 6
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 7
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 8
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 9
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci
Figure 10
Route: Lusnic – Celebic – Donji Kazanci

Livanjsko Polje

  • País: 
    Bosnia y Herzegovina
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    45,868 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    43°51'N 16°49'E
Los materiales presentados en este sitio web, particularmente los mapas y la información territorial, se proporcionan tal cual y según están disponibles a partir de los datos de los que se dispone y no implican la expresión de opinión alguna por parte de la Secretaría de la Convención de Ramsar respecto de la condición jurídica de ningún país, territorio, ciudad o zona, ni de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus límites o fronteras.


Livanjsko Polje (Livno karst field). 11/04/08; Hercegbosanska canton; 45,868 ha; 43°53'N 016°47'E. The largest karst depression in the Dinaric karst and perhaps the largest periodically flooded karst field in the world. The site comprises seasonally flooded agricultural land and alluvial forest, seasonal marshes and pools, permanent streams, karst springs and sinkholes, and the largest peatland in the Balkans. Together with the Sava wetlands, it is the most important wintering, migration, and breeding site for waterbirds and raptors in the country and a key site of the Central European Flyway. The polje is important for the identity of the local community of Livno, well-known for its traditional cheeses, and for a wide range of recreational pursuits. Threats include water extraction for energy production, a planned coal-fired thermoelectric plant, and unsustainable peat excavation. Ramsar site no. 1786. Most recent RIS information: 2008.

Región administrativa: 
Hercegbosanska Zupanjia

  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

Mapa del sitio

Informes y documentos adicionales