Lavinia Nature Reserve
- País:Australia
- Número del sitio:253
- Superficie:7,034 ha
- Fecha de designación:16-11-1982
- Coordenadas:39°45'S 144°05'E
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Lavinia Nature Reserve is one of the few largely unaltered areas of native vegetation remaining on King Island, which lies between Tasmania and the mainland state of Victoria. It includes wetland types that are representative and/or rare to the bioregion, including Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest, freshwater aquatic wetlands, herbfields and grasslands marginal to wetland, and sedge/rush wetland. The Site’s estuary and associated samphire mud flats, coastal swamps and lagoons provide important habitats for a range of globally threatened species such as the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) and the endangered green and gold frog (Litoria raniformis). The Site is also a regional biodiversity hotspot because the ecological communities on King Island represent a transitional zone between the Australian mainland and north-west Tasmania, supporting species from both the north and south. The largely unspoiled nature of the Reserve and its variety of interesting features make it an important area for scientific study and education. There are also oyster farms operating at the Site.
Región administrativa:
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- State Reserve - Lavinia Nature Reserve
- Fecha de última publicación:01-05-2014
Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)
FIR archivada
Mapa del sitio
Informes y documentos adicionales
- Una descripción detallada de las características ecológicas