Sultan Marshes
- País:Türkiye
- Número del sitio:661
- Superficie:17,200 ha
- Fecha de designación:13-07-1994
- Coordenadas:38°19'N 35°15'E
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Sultan Marshes. 13/07/94; Kayseri; 17,200 ha; 38°20'N 035°17'E. Natural Park; Wildlife Conservation Area. Part of an extensive wetland complex on the Develi plain, the site includes a saline lake, salt steppe, nutrient-rich freshwater marshes, wet meadows, small islands, and lakes. Freshwater areas support reeds and rushes, and halophytic plants occur in the saltwater ecosystem. Situated in a closed basin and surrounded by hills and mountains, the area is an important breeding and wintering site for various species of endangered or globally threatened waterbirds. Human activities include reed cutting, tourism, research, and livestock grazing. Threats are seen from illegal hunting, agricultural pollution, and over-grazing leading to desiccation of the surrounding area. Ramsar site no. 661. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Región administrativa:
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- Natural Park
- Natural Site Area
- Wildlife Conservation Area
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-2008