Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak

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Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak

  • Pays: 
  • Numéro du site: 
  • Superficie: 
    17'949 ha
  • Date d’inscription: 
  • Coordonnées: 
    18°19'N 87°48'W
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Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak. 27/11/03; Quintana Roo; 17,949 ha; 18°20'N 087°48'W. National Park. A well preserved area on the Caribbean coast bordering Belize, comprising coral reefs, coastal lagoons, beaches, mangrove swamps and karstic aquifers. An atypical submarine relief of massifs and channels, known as "La Poza", is one of the main highlights of the site. Endangered and near-threatened animals such as Baird's Tapir Tapirus bairdii, the Jaguar Panthera Onca, the American Manatee Trichechus manatus, the Central American Cacomistle Bassariscus sumichrasti, and the Black Catbird Melanoptila glabrirostris inhabit the park. A number of waterbirds are common nesters in the site, while the mangrove swamps and lagoons are important for spawning Rock-cod Ephinephelus striatus. Coral reefs are dominated by Elkhorn Coral Acropora palmata and fish species such as Noronha wrasse Thalassoma bifasciatum and Blue Tang Acanthurus coeruleus. Commercial fishing is regulated, though closed seasons are not fully enforced. Scuba diving and sport fishing are the main tourist activities, but large-scale hotel developments are expected in the near future, with possible threats to the ecosystem. A management plan will soon be published addressing these issues. Ramsar site no. 1320. Most recent RIS information: 2003.

Région administrative: 
Quintana Roo

  • Inscription légale nationale: 
    • Parque Nacional - Arrecifes de Xcalak
  • Date de dernière publication: 


Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)

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