Siikalahti Bay Area

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Siikalahti Bay Area

  • Pays: 
  • Numéro du site: 
  • Superficie: 
    682 ha
  • Date d’inscription: 
  • Coordonnées: 
    61°34'N 29°34'E
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Siikalahti Bay Area. 02/02/04; Southern Finland; 682 ha; 61°33'N 029°33'E. Natura 2000 SPA, SCI, WHCP. Three separate areas situated in the northeastern corner of Southern Finland just 5 km west of Russian border. Siikalahti and Rautalahti are inlets of Lake Simpelejärvi; Sammallampi is a small lake with an outlet to the same lake. These are characterized by extensive growths of Common Reed and thereby in the process of overgrowing, in a transitional stage in the succession of water ecosystems, with the vegetation and bird fauna most diverse and richest at the present stage. Siikalahti Bay is the most valuable bird-lake in Finland as habitat for many threatened bird species. The ecological character of the site is affected negatively by rapid overgrowth as a result of eutrophication. Regulations of water levels and drainage ditches caused a decrease of wetland species in southern parts to one third of previous numbers; nonetheless, the area is very appreciated for environmental education, birdwatching and outdoor recreation activities. Ramsar site no. 1532. Most recent RIS information: 2005.

Région administrative: 
Southern Finland

  • Inscription légale nationale: 
    • Waterfowl Habitat Conservation Programme
  • Inscriptions juridiques régionales (internationales): 
    • UE Natura 2000
  • Date de dernière publication: 


Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)

Carte du site