Reserva Biológica Limoncocha
- Pays:Équateur
- Numéro du site:956
- Superficie:4'613 ha
- Date d’inscription:10-07-1998
- Coordonnées:00°25'S 76°34'W
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Reserva Biológica Limoncocha. 10/07/98; Sucumbíos; 4,613 ha; 00°25'S 076°35'W. The site comprises seasonally flooded forest and permanent and seasonally flooded swamps, while the area surrounding the lagoon is predominantly wet tropical forest. The area has abundant species of flora, 41 species of fish, and 464 bird species, of which 68 are waterbirds with important populations. The forest surrounding the lagoon has eight primate species. There is a community of indigenous people along the banks of the Jivino River, which is very rich in fish stocks. Subsistence farming, mostly banana cultivation, is practiced, and small areas are used for animal grazing. The Limoncocha lagoon is the main tourism attraction in the reserve area and facilities are being developed for ecotourism. Ramsar site no. 956. Most recent RIS information: 1998.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- biological reserve
- Date de dernière publication:10-07-1998