NSW Central Murray State Forests
- Country:Australia
- Site number:1291
- Area:83,992 ha
- Designation date:20-05-2003
- Coordinates:35°39'S 144°39'E
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
NSW Central Murray State Forests. 20/05/03; New South Wales; 83,992 ha.; 35°49'S 144°58'E. Composed of discrete but interrelated forest units (Millewa, Werai, and Koondrook) that together with the Barmah and Gunbower Forests Ramsar sites in Victoria form the largest complex of tree-dominated floodplain wetlands in southern Australia. The site contains rare wetland types within the Riverina bioregion, particularly floodplain lake and floodplain meadows and reed swamps. Linked through an unbroken riparian corridor along the Murray and Edward Rivers, the forests are in high ecological condition and contribute significantly to the conservation of globally and nationally threatened species - the site provides a habitat for globally threatened species listed in the IUCN Red List: the critically endangered Regent Honeyeater (Xanthomyza Phrygia), endangered Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus), endangered Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor), endangered Murray Hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis), and endangered Trout Cod (Maccullochella macquariensis). Migratory birds found at the site include the Painted Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis), Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), Caspian Tern (Hydropogne caspia), White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) and are registered in the Migratory Species Agreement between Australia, Japan, and China. The site contains significant social, cultural and economic resources. It has been managed under multiple use principles including forestry for almost 150 years, making it one of the longest continuously managed natural resources in Australia. Currently the site is used for timber harvesting, apiculture, fishing, bird watching and scientific study. Ramsar site no. 1291. Most recent RIS information: 2013
Administrative region:
New South Wales
- National legal designation:
- Indigenous Protected Area
- National Park
- Regional Park
- Last publication date:01-01-2013
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Archived RIS
Additional reports and documents
- Taxonomic lists of plant and animal species occurring in the site
- A detailed Ecological Character Description (ECD)