Laguna San Ignacio
- Country:Mexico
- Site number:1341
- Area:17,500 ha
- Designation date:02-02-2004
- Coordinates:26°45'N 113°07'W
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Laguna San Ignacio. 02/02/04; Baja California Sur; 17,500 ha; 26°45'N 113°07'W. Part of Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site. On the very arid western side of the Baja California peninsula, this coastal brackish lagoon with large intertidal flats is an important nesting site for the Grey Whale Eschrichtius robustus, reaching 300-400 individuals each winter. Other marine mammals are resident: Elephant Seals Mirounga angustirostris and California Sea Lions Zalophus californianus. In addition, San Ignacio is one of the main wintering areas for the Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans, contains the northernmost mangrove forests in the continent, and is an important nursery ground for fish. The site is part of "El Vizcaíno" World Heritage Site, which receives a significant number of tourists for whale-watching, adventure and ecotourism in general. Overfishing and inadequate waste disposal are regarded as the main problems. A management plan is in place since 2000. Ramsar site no. 1341. Most recent RIS information: 2004.
Administrative region:
Baja California Sur
- Global international designation:
- World Heritage site
- UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
- National legal designation:
- Refugio para Ballenas Gravidas y Ballenatos
- Zona de Reserva y Refugio de Aves Migratorias y Fauna Silvestre
- Last publication date:02-02-2004