Aquatic-cliff complex of Karadag
- Country:Ukraine
- Site number:1394
- Area:224 ha
- Designation date:17-11-2003
- Coordinates:44°55'N 35°13'E
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Aquatic-cliff complex of Karadag. 29/07/04; Crimean AR; 224 ha; 44°56'N 035°14'E. Nature Reserve, Important Bird Area. Located at the southeastern part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the aquatic-cliff complex of Karadag comprises sublittoral marine areas up to 6 metres depth, bays, a narrow strip of pebble-boulder coast and coastal cliffs up to 120m high. It is an important place for birds, notably during migrations, and other vulnerable animal species such as the bats Rhinolophus hipposideros and Myotis emarginatus, colonies of which settle in the grottoes. The marine area with nationally rare algae and seagrass meadows constitutes a good spawning habitat for many fish species and supports, among others, the Great Sturgeon Huso huso ponticus. Dolphins approach the coast periodically. Ecological trails and a nature centre are near the site. Ramsar site no. 1394. Most recent RIS information: 2003.
Administrative region:
Crimean Autonomous Republic
- National legal designation:
- Nature Reserve
- Last publication date:17-11-2003