Notsuke-hanto and Notsuke-wan

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Notsuke-hanto and Notsuke-wan

  • Country: 
  • Site number: 
  • Area: 
    6,053 ha
  • Designation date: 
  • Coordinates: 
    43°34'N 145°16'E
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Notsuke-hanto and Notsuke-wan. 08/11/05; Hokkaido; 6,053ha; 43°35'N 145°16'E. NWPA. Notsuke-hanto is the largest sand spit in Japan, a fish hook-shaped peninsula jutting into Nemuro Strait on the eastern edge of Hokkaido. Notsuke-wan is a bay formed between the sand spit and the mainland with average depth of 4m, widespread tidal flats and full of Zostera seagrass bed. The site is one of the largest staging and breeding habitat for migratory waterbirds with 66,935 annual migratory population of 211 species, particularly IUCN Redlisted Grus Japonensis, and regularly supporting more than 1% population of Cygnus Cygnus, Branta bernicula, Anas Penelope, Aythya marila, and Bucephala clangula. Seaside vegetation on salt marshes consist of Elymus mollis community among other species, and sand dunes are covered with Japanese Rose and White clovers. It also functions as an important spawning and nursing ground for local fish. In Notsuke-wan, the major catch in the seagrass bed is Hokkai shrimp Pandalus kessleri, protected by a fisherman cooperative to regulate its open season and catch, managing limited marine resource as one of the best practice wise use wetland fisheries in Japan. Ramsar site no. 1552. Most recent RIS information: 2005.

Administrative region: 
Hokkaido Prefecture

  • National legal designation: 
    • National Wildlife Protection Area NWPA
  • Last publication date: 


Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)

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