Springs and Mires of the Slavkov Forest
- Country:Czechia
- Site number:2075
- Area:3,223 ha
- Designation date:13-02-2012
- Coordinates:50°02'N 12°44'E
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Springs and Mires of the Slavkov Forest (Pramenne vyvery a raaeliniate Slavkovskeho lesa). 13/02/12; Karlovarsky kraj; 3,223 ha; 50°01'31"N 012°45'35"E. (National) Nature Reserve, (National) Nature Monument, Protected Landscape Area, Natura 2000 (SCI). Situated in the Slavkov forest highlands and composed of two parts, this site consists of raised bogs, forested peat bogs, transition mires, wet meadows and mineral springs. The site is home to many threatened species of flora, mainly fen and bog associated, but also including Cerastium alsinifolium which is endemic to this area. One of the most threatened butterflies in Europe, Marsh Fritillary Euphydryas aurinia occurs here as well as the threatened fish species Bullhead Cottus gobio. It also is a nesting site for internationally threatened species of birds, including Corncrake Crex crex. The site is important for groundwater recharge, water retention and flood protection. It is also a resource for mineral water and an important spa region for Central Europe. Other human uses include forestry, recreation and research. Drainage, the introduction of invasive alien species, and changes in land use, especially re-allotment of land, are threatening the site. Nature trails and information booklets exist and an information centre is in preparation. Ramsar Site number: 2075. Most recent RIS information: 2012.
Administrative region:
Karlovy Vary Region
- National legal designation:
- Nature Monument - Kladské raseliny; Úpolinová louka pod Křížky; Podhorní slatě; Sirňák
- Nature Reserve - Pluhův bor; Mokřady pod Vlčkem; Prameniště Teplé; Rašeliniště u myslivny; Smraďoch; Vlček
- Protected Landscape Area (PLA) - Slavkovský les; Horní Kramolín - Ovesné; Krásenské rašeliniště; Podhorní louky; Prameny Teplé; Rausenbasská lada; Teplá s přitoky a Otročinsky potok; U bunkru; Úpolinova louka – Křížky
- Sites of Community Importance - Kladské rašeliny
- Regional (international) legal designations:
- EU Natura 2000
- Last publication date:13-02-2012
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Site map
Additional reports and documents
- Other published literature