- Country:Romania
- Site number:2110
- Area:45,286 ha
- Designation date:21-01-2013
- Coordinates:44°25'N 22°38'E
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Blahnita. 02/02/2013; Dolj County; 45,286 ha; 44°2531N 022°3817E. Nature Reserves; Natura 2000 Network (SPA, SCI). The landscape of this site is represented by swamps, permanent lakes and sand dunes covered with acacias, poplars, oak forests and grasslands, inhabited by a rich and diverse fauna which finds exceptional conditions for nesting and breeding in the area. The site has been designated as a special protection area (SPA) under the Birds Directive for the protection of 16 bird species listed in Annex I, such as the Himantopus himantopus, the Chlidonias hybrida or the Egretta garzetta. The site is also important for the protection of many migratory species listed under the Bonn Convention as for example the Coracias garrulous, the Ixobrychus minutus and the Phalacrocorax pygmeus. Within the Ramsar Site most of human activities are related to agriculture, fishing and forestry, which bring with them potential threats of water pollution, poaching, overfishing and dumping affecting the ecological character of th wetland. In order to avoid these impacts, a management plan is to be developed by the Romanian Ornithological Society. The village of Hinova within the site has been inhabited since the Roman era. Ramsar Site no. 2110. Most Recent RIS information: 2012.
Administrative region:
Dojl County
- National legal designation:
- Nature Reserve
- Regional (international) legal designations:
- EU Natura 2000
- Last publication date:02-02-2013