Port Phillip Bay & Bellarine Peninsula
- Country:Australia
- Site number:266
- Area:22,897 ha
- Designation date:15-12-1982
- Coordinates:38°04'S 144°36'E
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Port Phillip Bay & Bellarine Peninsula. 15/12/82; Victoria; 22,897 ha; 38°04'S 144°36'E. State Wildlife Reserves, Marine Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuary, Metropolitan Park. Six discrete areas of various wetland types, ranging from shallow, marine waters and estuaries to freshwater lakes, seasonal swamps, intertidal mudflats, and seagrass beds. Of outstanding importance to waterbirds, the bay supports more than 1% of the Australian population of 14 waterbird species, and 5% of the Victorian population of another 12 bird species. Tens of thousands of ibises (Threskiornis molucca and arphibis spinicollis) roost here. Up to 65,000 migratory waders occur in summer, making it the sixth most important site for waders in Australia. The area supports rare bird species, notably the endangered Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster). Located near a high density urban area of over three million people, the Bay is used intensively for recreation. Other activities include livestock grazing, aquaculture, and nearby salt production. Ramsar site no. 266. Most recent RIS information: 1998.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- fisheries reserve
- marine and wildlife reserve
- state park
- Last publication date:01-01-1998