Clara Bog

Clara Bog
Active Raised Bog displaying Sphagnum magellanicum low hummocks and lawns and Sphagnum cuspidatum pools.
Sphagnum magellanicum & S. cuspidatum lawns within a soak system at Clara West.

Clara Bog

  • Country: 
  • Site number: 
  • Area: 
    460 ha
  • Designation date: 
  • Coordinates: 
    53°19'N 07°37'W
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One of the largest remaining examples in Ireland of a “midland” raised bog. The Site comprises hummocks, hollows, pools and sphagnum lawns. The bog is unique in the degree of its development and variety of “soak systems” – mineral-rich pools and small lakes that are fed from groundwater as well as rain, and support alkaline plant life. The Site also supports bog woodland species, rare butterflies, a rare click beetle and a rare moss. It is a breeding site for the merlin (Falco columbarius) and a habitat for the European otter (Lutra lutra), both species protected under the EU Habitats Directive. Clara Bog has been subject to detailed hydrological and ecological studies and is one of the best studied bogs in Europe. It is part of the EU Life raised bog restoration project “The Living Bog”. There is a visitor centre with a boardwalk and education services. Numerous other raised bogs occur in the surrounding areas, though most of these have been subjected to extensive cutting of peat and drainage, and thus are no longer considered to be active.

Administrative region: 
Midlands Region (NUTS 3)

  • National legal designation: 
    • National Reserve - Clara Bog
  • Regional (international) legal designations: 
    • EU Natura 2000
  • Last publication date: 