Senné fishponds
- Country:Slovakia
- Site number:500
- Area:425 ha
- Designation date:02-07-1990
- Coordinates:48°41'N 22°04'E
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Senné Fish-ponds (Senné-rybníky). 02/07/90; Vychodoslovensky; 425 ha; 48°41'N 022°04'E. Nature Reserve. The site is located in a formerly seasonally-inundated large, flat depression within the Východoslovenská ní~ina Lowland (East Slovakian Lowland) that lies on an important waterbird migration route. It includes one large pond with adjacent seasonally-flooded grasslands and shrub swamps and 28 fish-farming ponds. It is one of the most important breeding and resting sites of rare, endangered and vulnerable water birds in Slovakia, including globally threatened and migratory species. A part of the site is used for fish-farming and for cattle grazing. The site is also an important subject of scientific research (hydrological, ornithological, botanical) and education for students and members of non-governmental organizations. Ramsar site no. 500. Most recent RIS information: 2007.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- national nature reserve
- Last publication date:01-01-2007