Moreton Bay
- Country:Australia
- Site number:631
- Area:113,314 ha
- Designation date:22-10-1993
- Coordinates:27°19'S 153°09'E
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Moreton Bay. 22/10/93; Queensland; 113,314 ha; 27°20'S 153°10'E. National Park, Environmental Park, Fauna Sanctuary, Fish Habitat Reserve, Marine Park; Shorebird Network Site. Near the southern limit of reef-building corals, an estuarine basin, semi-enclosed by two of the world's largest sand islands. As one of three extensive intertidal areas of seagrass, mangroves and saltmarsh on the eastern coast, it supports an extremely high species diversity. Supported in significant numbers, several reptiles, amphibians, and mammals are rare, vulnerable or endangered. Over 50,000 migratory waterbirds are present during wintering and staging. Numerous canal estates have access to the bay, which supports an important fishery. The site is popular for water-based recreation and tourism. Annually, up to one million tonnes of sub-fossil coral and 150,000m3 of sand are extracted. Adjacent to the site of Ramsar COP6 in Brisbane, 1996. Ramsar site no. 631. Most recent RIS information: 1999.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- marine park
- national park
- Last publication date:01-01-1999