Refugio de Vida Silvestre Isla Santa Clara

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Refugio de Vida Silvestre Isla Santa Clara

  • País: 
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    46 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    03°09'S 80°26'W
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Refugio de Vida Silvestre Isla Santa Clara. 02/02/02; El Oro; 46 ha; 03°10'S 080° 26'W. Protected Area of Natural Heritage. A small island with rocky shores in the Gulf of Guayaquil, forming a complex transitional marine/coastal system situated in an area of convergence of marine currents and the fresh water of the Gulf, an important area of mixed and transitional biogeographical characterics. The island is an undeveloped area of extraordinary importance for the conservation of waterbirds and constitutes a major refuge for the marine biodiversity of the continental coast of the country, for which reason it was inscribed as a Protected Area of Natural Heritage in 1999. Its outstanding feature is the large-scale presence of avifauna, 23,000 individuals of the species Fragatas or Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens), Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis), and Blue-footed Booby Sula nebouxi. The site holds exceptional social and cultural value and is considered from archaeological artifacts to be an early refuge of the first inhabitants of the larger Isla Puná, and a point of reference for navigators since the prehistoric era. It provides a unique opportunity for scientific investigations of marine-terrestrial ecosystems. Artisanal and industrial fishing are supported in the area. The Fundación Natura and the Ministry of Environment have compiled the technical datasheets for the site designation with the support of the WWF Living Waters Programme. Ramsar site no. 1142. Most recent RIS information: 2002.

Región administrativa: 
El Oro

  • Designación jurídica nacional: 
    • Patrimonio Nacional de Areas Protegidas SNAP
    • Refugio de Vida Silvestre
  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

Mapa del sitio