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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


  1. Forest habitat in Ropotamo Complex. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Waterfowl in Ropotamo Complex. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Cormorants. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    The bay.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Information table.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Waterfowl in Ropotamo Complex. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo River.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo River.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo River.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo Complex, Dunes
    Ropotamo Complex, Forest

    Ropotamo Complex

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    3,385 ha
  2. Blace Bay - Salicornia europea
    Kuti Lake
    Delta Neretva
    Baćinska Lakes
    Desne Lake
    Modro oko Lake
    Delta Neretva, Sea
    Delta Neretva
    Parila Lagoon
    Delta Neretva
    Delta Neretva
    Laeflet -  preserve wetland habitats from fire in the Neretva River Delta
    Anas platyrhynchos
    Emys orbicularis
    Mauremys rivulata
    Nymphaea alba L.
    Egretta garzetta
    Egretta alba
    Numenius arquata
    Himantopus himantopus
    Panurus biarmicus

    Neretva River Delta

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    12,742 ha
  3. Bosque de Manglar/Estero de Jaltepeque
    Bosque de Manglar/Estero de Jaltepeque
    Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Pato Chancho) especie potencialmente oportunista en la zona.
    Pandion haliaetus (Águila Pescadora), migratoria.
    Egretta thula (Garza blanca de patas amarillas).

    Complejo Jaltepeque

    • Country: 
      El Salvador
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      2 year(s)
    49,474 ha
  4. Colonia de Porites lobata
    Atardecer Los Cobanos
    Porites lobata
    Juvenil Carey, en rehabilitación
    Tortugas en apareamiento
    Hydrophis platurus
    Corales Abanico
    Strombus galeatus
    Langosta roja
    Astropyga pulvinata
    Playa Los Cobanos, Arrecife Rocoso

    Complejo Los Cobanos

    • Country: 
      El Salvador
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    21,312 ha
  5. Haeska coastal meadow


    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      3 year(s)
    48,610 ha
  6. Aerial - the Great Sea Reef from Nadogo, Northern Division.
    Aerial - the Great Sea Reef surrounding Kia Island, Northern Division.
    Night time shot of a traditional Fijian bure or homes made with thatched roofs and natural material walls.
    Ligau Village fishermen out at sea fishing.
    Katawaqa Island where turtles nest and are protected.
    Mita from Ligau Levu Village expertly handles a freshly caught live aggressive mudcrab from the mangroves.
    Soft coral garden, a charming dive site of the Great Sea Reef's marine protected area.
    Turtle monitors (Dau Ni Vonu)  were once turtle hunters who are now using their skills to advocate for the protection of this iconic species
    Snorkeler swims the coral reefs of the Great Sea Reefs.

    Qoliqoli Cokovata

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      6 year(s)
    134,900 ha
  7. Ramsar logo

    Quark Archipelago

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      19 year(s)
    63,699 ha
  8. Marais Vernier
    Embouchure de la Risle
    Courtils au marais Vernier

    Marais Vernier et Vallée de la Risle maritime

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      8 year(s)
    9,564 ha
  9. Ramsar logo

    Etang de Palo

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      15 year(s)
    212 ha
  10. Ramsar logo

    Etang d'Urbino

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      15 year(s)
    790 ha




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